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x-ray tube in a sentence

"x-ray tube" in Chinese  "x-ray tube" meaning  
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
  • canal ray tube    Using a four electrode version of the canal ray tube with three gaps, a total potential difference of 43, 000 volts could be achieved.
  • cathod ray tube    The memory was based on an original invention of an electrostatic memory using the ordinary oscilloscope cathod ray tube. Do mini tvs use LDC screens, or cathod ray tubes ?  Preceding con...
  • cathode - ray tube    Most desktop monitors use cathode-ray tubes, or CRTs. Massachusetts has already banned cathode-ray tubes in local dumps. Another frustration is the dismantling and disposal of cathode-ray ...
  • cathode ray tube    In 1956, a new cathode ray tube plant was opened in Sunderland. These typically find diverse applications, from cathode ray tubes to electron microscopy. So what do we ban-cathode ray tube...
  • cathode ray tube amusement device    In 1947 Thomas T . Goldsmith Jr . and Estle Ray Mann filed a patent for a " cathode ray tube amusement device ". The earliest example is from 1947 a " Cathode ray tube Amusement Device " ...
  • cathode ray tube circuit    In analogue 49 additional lines without image content are added to the displayed frame of 576 lines to allow time for older cathode ray tube circuits to retrace for the next frame, giving ...
  • cathode ray tube controller    CRTC . The latter name matched the initialism of the CPC's Cathode Ray Tube Controller and was sometimes expanded to ChaRleyTroniC . He ran a public domain library called Robot PD and was ...
  • cathode ray tube display    Apple Computer Inc . is ready to make bulky cathode ray tube displays things of the past. However, the custom receiver design and its associated cathode ray tube displays proved to be a bi...
  • cathode ray tube image recorder    Cathode ray tube image recorder
  • cathode ray tube memory    This was a cathode ray tube memory, similar in many aspects to an early TV picture tube or oscilloscope tube. He also worked in the area of computers at IAS . Gilchrist first collaborated ...
  • cathode ray tube screen    Aircraft activity was monitored from an eleven-inch cathode ray tube screen. Initially the rendering was on early Cathode ray tube screens or through plotters drawing on paper. Commercial ...
  • cathode ray tube(crt)    The secondary backscattered electron current is used to modulate the intensity of an electron beam in a cathode ray tube(crt) . The secondary backscattered electron current is used to modu...
  • cathode-ray tube (crt)    The narrow profile of plasma and liquid - crystal - display ( lcd ) televisions has caught the public ' s eye , but the sets are still far more expensive than the conventional cathode - ra...
  • cathode-ray tube graphic terminal    Cathode - ray tube graphic terminal
  • cathode-ray tube memories    Cathode - ray tube memories
  • cathode-ray tube memory    Cathode - ray tube memories
  • cathode-ray tube refraction seismograph    Cathode - ray tube refraction seismograph
  • cathode-ray tube screen    Photometric and colorimetric methods of measurement of the light emitted by a cathode - ray tube screen
  • color cathode ray tube    However, not all color displays have well defined RGB triplets ( e . g . color cathode ray tube ). Most color cathode ray tubes  such as those used in color televisions  incorporate thre...
  • crt cathode ray tube    The teco crt cathode ray tube plant . a nt 5 billion joint investment led by teco . nec japan , and other well - known dameshc companies , produces 21 " and 17 " crt
  • electron ray tube    The B-side of the single is " Buildings for Dead People featured in the enhanced CD one, alongside a video for A Design for Life, the CD 2 features a remix of " Tsunami " from Electron Ray...
  • flat cathode ray tube    What's more, new color televisions with flat cathode ray tubes, at the high end of the television market, sold well in Japan, he said. What's more, new color televisions with flat cathode ...
  • grenz ray tube    Grenz ray tube
  • heater characteristic of x-ray tube    Heater characteristic of x - ray tube , x Heater characteristic of x - ray tube x
  • high resolution cathode ray tube    The text was 10 point in size and put together in the form of a full page displayed on a high resolution cathode ray tube.

How can I put and write and define x-ray tube in a sentence and how is the word x-ray tube used in a sentence and examples? x-ray tube造句, x-ray tube造句, 用x-ray tube造句, x-ray tube meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.